Startup Outsourcing
Increase productivity by concentrating on your core business
Many startup owners try to wear too many hats and try to do everything themselves to save money.
Its true that when you start a business, money is always tight and watching your budget is a must. For your business everything you invest in must generate a good return.
But at some point you may find you are spending a lot of time learning how to do things that other people are already up to speed with. You can increase your productivity levels significantly by hiring resources to help, but a small business often can’t cope with the overhead of a team in the early days.
The answer is outsourcing. Everyone from large global banks to small one man startups successfully outsource some of their functions. You may already outsource your accountancy and your website development. With every task, ask yourself are you the best person to do this. If the answer is no, consider getting some help.
At Cow-Shed we help clients who want to outsource all or some of their business, financial and marketing tasks to concentrate on the core business.