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Mobile Marketing on Wheels

It's not all about online marketing

If you lived in the UK in the 1990s and 2000s, you’ll probably remember ‘White Van Man’. Sometimes known as the scourge of the road, the term referred to drivers of unmarked white delivery vans whose road etiquette left a lot to be desired.

But look around in 2019 and you’ll find that White Van Man is an endangered species - if not quite extinct. Sure, the bad habits of drivers are still in evidence - but the white vans are not.

The reason why is straightforward. Firms have woken up the opportunity to advertise their businesses on their delivery vehicles. Mobile marketing - but not in the usual online sense. A smartly painted van can provide effective business advertising when on the move and when parked on location. And the cost is fixed not variable - unlike Google Ads and other paid online advertising.

The point illustrated by the demise of the ubiquitous white van is that businesses need to consider all types of advertising and marketing channels. Online and offline marketing need to be complementary, easily understood and consistent across platforms.

Your website alone is no longer enough to get your business noticed. In the early days of online marketing, a website with an attractive design and some good content would go a long way. Now there’s so much content out there online that it’s much harder for prospective customers to find you. SEO can help. Google Ads and other online advertising can be effective. These options need to be aligned with specific goals to generate a positive return on investment. An unstructured online campaign is a good way to waste money.

Once you’ve identified how to raise the profile of your business - which may include prominent branding on your company vehicles - it’s important that your prospects have an easy journey to become your customers. A clear message on your website has never been more important. Anything that takes more than a few seconds to understand will probably lose the interest of your prospect. There are now over 1.5 billion live websites according to internetlivesstats - that’s plenty of other options to distract your potential customers.

At Cow-Shed Startup, we’re firm believers in the benefit of clarifying your business and marketing plans upfront before getting into website design and spending money on online marketing. If your business is already established, it’s still worth taking a look at your objectives and plans to check if your website, social media strategy and online marketing approach align with your goals.

Feel free to contact us for an initial no-obligation consultation.

August 7, 2019

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